
data class Guid(var guid: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), var isPermalink: Boolean? = null)

<guid> is an optional sub-element of <item>.

guid stands for globally unique identifier. It's a string that uniquely identifies the item. When present, an aggregator may choose to use this string to determine if an item is new.


There are no rules for the syntax of a guid. Aggregators must view them as a string. It's up to the source of the feed to establish the uniqueness of the string.


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fun Guid(guid: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), isPermalink: Boolean? = null)


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var guid: String

The value of the guid

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var isPermalink: Boolean? = null

If the guid element has an attribute named isPermaLink with a value of true, the reader may assume that it is a permalink to the item, that is, a url that can be opened in a Web browser, that points to the full item described by the <item> element.


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